Welcome to Lottielab

Welcome to Lottielab Docs. This documentation goes through the features of the editor and various actions that are possible for creating, collaborating on and shipping animated assets with Lottielab to your website or application.

There are 4 main sections in this documentation: Getting started, File management, the Editor and Exporting.

Getting started

Getting started with Lottielab is really easy and in most cases, you'll find yourself not needing much of a guide on things. If you'd like to dive straight into creating your first animation, sign up or login here.

To help you get started, you can also check out the following quick links too:

File management

Lottielab is a powerful tool for organising, managing and collaborating on your Lottie animations.

In this section, we dive into the dashboard and the various file management features Lottielab has to offer from team management and folders, to file creation and importing.

File management


The Lottielab editor is simple, and powerful, allowing you to achieve a wide range of compelling animations.

In this section, we explore features and actions you can take on the editor from creating animations with auto-animate and keyframes, to the various tools and properties that power your animation.


Export & Hand-off

Exporting your animations to your website or app with Lottielab is lightning fast, allowing you to animate and publish to all Lottie supported platforms seamlessly via an all-in-one tool.

In this section, we go through various export options such as Lottie, MP4 and Gif, and platforms you can export them to such as Framer, iOS, Web and more.

Export & Hand-off

Support & Feedback

If you have any questions, feedback or would like to just say Hi, you can get through to us via the following channels:

Last updated